Lieutenant Benjamin Westcott, RN
in command of the sloop Fort Diamond: West
Indies, 1804
To: Mr. Benjn. Westcott Mid: of His Majestys Ship Centaur, hereby appointed Acting Lieutenant of His Majesty's Sloop Fort Diamond |
By Samuel Hood Esqr. Commodore and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels employed and to be employed at Barbadoes the Leeward Islands &c. &c. &c. |
The Fort Diamond being put on the Establishment of a Sloop of War: You are hereby required and directed to repair forthwith on board that Sloop and take upon you the charge and duty of Acting Lieutenant in her accordingly, and be obedient to all such commands as you shall from time to time receive from your Captain or any other your Superior Officer for His Majesty's Service; and for so doing this shall be your Order. Given on board the Centaur ![]() By
command of the Commodore |
Blenheim, Carlisle Bay Saml. Hood Esqr. Sir, I am, Sir, your most obedient humble Servant |
At Court Martial
Assembled on Board His Majesty's Ship Galatea
in English Harbour, Antigua
4th Octr. 1804
Captain Henry Heathcote, President
James O Bryen Kenneth M'Kenzie
J C Woolcombe Edwd. Woolcombe
The Court Pursuant to an Order from Commodore Hood Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships & Vessels employed and to be employed at Barbadoes the Leeward Islands &c &c &c to Henry Heathcote, Esqr., Captain of His Majesty's Ship Galatea & Senior Officer of His Majesty's Ships and Vessels at Antigua dated the 6th of September 1804. Proceeded to enquire into the Conduct of Acting Lieutt. Benjamin Westcott, the Petty Officers and Men under his Command for suffering His Majesty's late Sloop Fort Diamond to be Captured by the Enemy in Rosseau Bay, Saint Lucia. And having heard the Evidence on the part of the Prosecution and what the Prisoner had to offer in his Defence. And very Maturely and deliberately considered the same are of Opinion that the Charges against Lieutenant Benj. Westcott are proved. And that he falls under the first part of the 10th Article of War. In consequence of which the Court do therefore Adjudge him to be Dismissed His Majesty's Service and rendered incapable of ever serving in The Naval Service of His Majesty His Heirs or Successors and he is therefore hereby dismissed His Majesty's Service accordingly. And nothing appearing against the Crew of the said Sloop, the Court do Adjudge them to be Acquitted and they are hereby Acquitted accordingly.
[Signatures] HyHeathcoate
KMackenzie JOBryen
EWoolcombe JCWoolcombe
By Order of the Court
G B Harrison
Judge Advocate
[on the side] Mr. Kite
« Lieut. Benjamin Westcott of the Fort Diamond, for suffering that sloop to be captured by the Enemy in Rosseau Bay, St. Lucia; that as he falls under the first part of the 10th. Article of War, he is adjudged to be dismissed from the service, & rendered incapable of ever serving again in the navy; Vide Court Martial 4th. Octr., 1804. »
Source: Public Record Office, Kew