Letter from Thomas Parker to his brother-in-law, Rev. John Watson DD

Gertrude Street,
South Brisbane.

18th July,1912

My dear John,

I received a letter from you dated 19th May last, which gave me much pleasure as it records your recovery and health and spirits with the return of fine weather, and your great interest in our family as well as your still following the happenings in Church and State.

I may note a few of our events here; Winnie now has a second child, a daughter this time, and the name I hear is to be Eleanor Ruth. She is a quiet good tempered little thing but perhaps her Grandma will be giving some description which will be more definite and reliable than mine.

I have been doing a fair amount of literary work in recent years, whilst still carrying on some professional work. Amongst other things, I have contributed "Musical Notes" regularly to the Morning Bulletin at Rockhampton until we left for Brisbane. Also to the "Christian World" (London) and the "Holborn Review", (Empire Number). Some pamphlets and booklets in Queensland; just finished a second edition (booklet rewritten) in Central Queensland for the Queensland Government. Perhaps you saw my little work, "The Coming Bible" (pub. Swan, Sonnenschein? and Co., London). I am posting a copy, in case you have not seen it.

I have recently joined the Royal Society of Queensland since coming to Brisbane. I had not much opportunity of scientific association in Rockhampton, it was so much out of the world, "a back water" kind of place. I purpose resuming writing papers on "Underground Waters"; I made some original research in this subject whilst in South Australia and read papers before the Royal Society there.

I am still working in political work here (People's Progressive League) supporting a Liberal Government for this State against the Socialistic Party, who appear even more unreasonable than in England. In Church matters, I am still trying to sound the evangelistic note, although at 72 years I feel preaching is much heavier work than formally. I had a serious illness and operation last Christmas and was a month in a Private Hospital but thankful to say I have had "my life restored" and am able to do some work as aforetime, though I have to make the day's work shorter.

I have read Mr.H.B. Kendall's book on "The Kingdom" with interest and have been again going through Dr.Fairbairn's book on "The Philosophy of the Christian Religion", I find it bracing reading. One passage has specially interested me - in the preface - "The Son of God in His pierced hands holds the keys of all the religions".

With love to yours and yourself as ever, Thomas Parker.