Eleanor Mary Kathleen Cowie
Piano Examinations (1926-28)

The Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music

Patron: His Majesty the King
President: HRH The Prince of Wales KG

"School" Examinations Elementary Division

Pass Certificate

This is to certify that at the "School" Examination held at Leeds in 1926, Kathleen Cowie, Pupil of Miss Constance Dixon, was examined in Pianoforte and satisfied the requirements of the Board.

(signed) James Muir

1926 certificate


The Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music

Patron: His Majesty the King
President: HRH The Prince of Wales KG

"School" Examinations Lower Division

Pass Certificate

This is to certify that at the "School" Examination held at Leeds in 1928, Kathleen Cowie, Pupil of Miss Constance V. Dixon, was examined in Pianoforte and satisfied the requirements of the Board.

(signed) James Muir

1928 certificate